mardi 23 décembre 2014
jeudi 18 décembre 2014
We did it! On a gagne!
Did we forget to mention that we WON the cleanest classroom competition?
All the classes from CI to seconde were trying to win the coveted prize of a FREE trip to Magic Land. Alhumdulilah, our class won!
We are still trying to keep our class and our school environment clean! That is the point of it all!
The trip will be in January inshaAllah as we have 2 of our students who are travelling during the break!
Have a great day!
dimanche 7 décembre 2014
Health and hygiene week this week
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah!
We're celebrating health and hygiene week this week!
We will be having activities all this week including the cleanest class competition. Now, Grade 5 said that they want to win the competition because they want the GRAND prize of the trip to MAGIC LAND. Now, that's all good, however, everyone has to clean up their OWN space. No collective sweeping or cleaning anyone else's MESS! This way inshaAllah, everyone is responsible for keeping the class clean just by keeping their own space clean.
We will be having some inspectors from the USA this week inshaAllah at IQRA. So just a reminder to students to respect school rules at all times and come to school neat, tidy and ready to work!
Have a great week!
mercredi 3 décembre 2014
Picking up the pace...
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah!
We hope that everyone is doing well!
We are a little behind in our lessons and we have been going quicker this last week and will continue over the next few weeks inshaAllah. It means, however, that students must maintain the agreed 2 hours minimum of lesson revision, homework and reading EVERY DAY including Saturdays and Sundays. It would be actually good to do a little more on the weekends anyway!
Nous sommes légèrement en retard par rapport a nos leçons. Donc les rattrapages, nous sommes entrain d'aller plus vite. Les élèves désormais doivent faire les deux heures obligatoires de révisions, devoirs et lecture chaque jour y compris les weekends!
Francais Revved up Essay competition 2014
Revved Up est un programme international d'enrichissement pour les adolescents développés à leur offrir des perspectives mondiales, les occasions de leadership, et le capital social significatif.
Ce concours d'écriture annuel pour les enfants de 10 à 14 ans accepte maintenant les inscriptions pour son concours 2014-2015. Le thème de l'essai de cette année est «Comment faire mieux a l'école?», et devrait être de 300-350 mots, tapés et soumises par voie électronique avant minuit à la date limite.
Students should be preparing their essays NOW!!!
DELF - Diplôme des études en langue française
IQRA students will be sitting this very important French language exam next year inshaAllah.
Why take the DELF? IQRA students need to attest to high levels in both French and in English. This diploma is a recognized French diploma that will prove their profiency in the French language.
C’est l’occasion pour lui de mettre en valeur ses compétences en français, d’être récompensé de son travail pendant ses études secondaires. Les DELF sont reconnus dans le monde entier et votre enfant aura un diplôme valable toute sa vie !
Au-delà de sa satisfaction personnelle, le DELF est, pour votre enfant, une attestation officielle de ses compétences en français à faire valoir auprès des universités francophones, des grandes écoles ou de ses futurs employeurs.
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