mardi 26 mai 2015

Information for this week

Assalamu alaikum!

I hope that your week has started well!

Field trip / Sortie pedagogique

A field trip to SERVAIR (aeroport Leopold Sedar Senghor) is organised for tomorrow inshaAllah. This company does the food catering for all the airlines that land in Dakar. It also is in charge of cleaning the airplanes. Students will have a chance to visit the locals and discuss with the production manager.

Food drive / Collecte de nourriture

You have until Friday 29 mai to give your donations! Grade 5 is collecting soap (bar soap, hand soap, detergent etc) for l'Orphelinat La Rescousse. Any questions or suggestions, please contact me! Students will go to the orphanage on Friday to deliver the donations themselves.

Final exams

Exams are next week! We hope that students are studying well!

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