Assalamu alaikum!
Thank you Mr Bukhari and Mme Badio!
First of all, let me thank our parents, Mr Bukhari and Mme Badio for having generously offered their transportation for our Skate Park outing. The students had a great time!
Report Cards / Awards
You can get your report cards and remaining awards on Monday inshaAllah. There were many awards that were not distributed because of time constraints. Please come in to get them next week!
French classes
Do not forget that you can still go to Institut francais over the summer to borrow books or take part in the different activities! Summer French language classes will be offered over the summer! Please see Mr Mbengue or Mr Faye!
Teacher meetings
We teachers will be at IQRA next week. If you need to see any of us, please feel free to stop by!
Ramadan Kareem
Have a blessed Ramadan! Please forgive me for any misunderstandings or shortcomings!
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